Power Swatch

Arctic Midnight Violet


RGB: 0, 5, 45

CMYK: 100, 89, 0, 82

Smooth Radish Red


RGB: 254, 70, 94

CMYK: 0, 72, 63, 0

Serene Cornfield Yellow


RGB: 255, 199, 43

CMYK: 0, 22, 83, 0

Skylight Blue


RGB: 166, 229, 243

CMYK: 32, 6, 0, 5

A beautiful bird flies over
Power Swatch
A clear arctic midnight scene.
A radish pulled from the soil.
Running happily through serene cornfields, this colour takes us to places rarely seen.
an AI inspired, bucket full of water, with a light blue colour

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